NONI or Marinda Citrifolia is a fruit commonly known as Indian Mulberry which is found in the tropical regions of India and few other countries around the world. It is grown in the southern part of India and belongs to coffee family. NONI is an all natural dietary supplement which contains more than 150 isolated nutaceuticals and more than 140 anti-oxidants. Noni Premium Plus helps to strenthen muscles and highly recommended for skin glow.
Maintains healthy skin & Hair, strenthens muscles & relieves stress. Improve nerve function & Regulate cell function.
Day1&2 : Take 1 Teaspoon (5ml) before Breakfast & Take 1 Teaspoon (5ml) before Dinner
(Month 1) : Drink 3 Teaspoons (15ml) before Breakfast & Drink 3 Teaspoons (15ml) before Dinner
(Month 2 – 6) : Drink 30ml before Breakfast & Drink 30ml before Dinner (Month 7 and After) : Drink 15ml before Breakfast & Drink 15ml before Dinner TAKE EXACTLY HALF OF THE DOSE FOR CHILDREN BELOW 12 YEARS.
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